Good morning/Good afternoon everyone.
The participation คำทักทายและแนะนำตัวเอง
My name is____________ from PNRU.
Thank you very much for your excellent presentation.
the knowledge that you gave me . กล่าวชม
I would like to give a comment to Mr./Ms/Mrs_________________.
I think you have to improve your pronunciation and your body movement.
In my opinion
Thank you very much .
Ladies and Gentlemen
I’m ______. I’m anMc today.Welcome to present our project.
Before we will present the project.
I would like you to meet our speakers.
First, He is friendly. He has short black hair and has a roman nose. Please welcome to Mr._________.
Second, She
Now I would like you to meet MR_______. He will talk about_________.
That’s all for our presentation.
Do you have any question?
Thank you for your attention.