It also stars each planet moons of planets (Moon of sattelites) except for the two planets are Mercury, Venus, and not the host. The asteroid (Minor planets) comet (Comets) meteorites (Meteorites) as well as a group of dust and gas.Under the influence of gravity from the sun, the size of the solar system, vast, more than the distance between the earth and the sun, which is approximately 150 kilometres. Or 1AU.(Astronomy unit) astronomical unit is the solar system have a long distance to the orbit of Pluto, stars, planets with small. In the solar system, of which the far distance 40 times of 1 astronomical unit, and also far out.(Oort 's Cloud), which may be far away, 500000 times the distance from the earth to the sun. The sun with the mass percent more than 99 of mass in the solar system, all remaining
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