Et al. (2007). Winsorization is argued to produce more robust results because outliers are kept in the sample only with,, Lesser magnitude. The regression caps the top and bottom 2.5% of the outliers at the respective 97.5th and, 2.5th percentile. Decreasing the influence of spurious outliers. Next in, column (2) we ignore industries at country-level with fewer than 5 consecutive. Growth observations. In column (3) we show how the results are affected if we put the threshold for dropping outliers to 1% instead. Of 2.5%. This increases the variation in the sample and we expect decreased significance of our results. In column (4 we.) Drop industry - year fixed effects. Finally in, column (5), we add the following controls: output of the financial sector. As a fraction of, total output exports and the extent to which the economy is open.
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