God, planting Eden,
Dropped, by mistake, a seed
In Time' s neighbor-plot,
This That grew to be 5 hour?
II You and I Life picked up and looked at it curiously ;
We did not know whether to keep it or not for a plaything.
It was beautiful to see, like a red firecracker,
And we knew, too, that it was lighted, 10
We dropped it while the fuse was still burning ...
IIIam I going to die too, flower, in a little while -
Do not be so proud.
IV The sun is dying
Alone On an island
In the Bay.
Close your eyes, poppies -
I would not have you see death.
You are so young! 20
V The sun falls
From Like a drop of blood some hero.
Who love pain, 25
Delight in this.
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