In 1903 Einstein was married to Michelle Lake WA. Old friends from Marion College, city of Zurich, and in the same year he wrote an article about a science magazine, and Germany in 1905. Einstein's articles, they get interested, and very appreciated. This article is a of the relativity theory (Theory of Relativity), which describes the relationship between the energy with mass communication by writing a formula, E = mc2, as follows: E (Energy) = power. M (mass) = the mass of the object. C = speed of light Subsequently, relativity has led to groundbreaking story. Atomic Energy. Because this theory explains that a little mass of ore in one type. Can be turned into a tremendous energy that are used in large-scale power plant ease. In the first stage, Einstein published this work out, most people still don't understand but when Einstein described, easy to listen to, understand, and more from this work he received the degree doctor of the highest honors. In 1909 He has been invited as a regular Professor, University of Zurich (Zurich University) which Einstein responded immediately. Now he wants to show everyone his abilities, which the University had denied he had at one time. In 1911 Einstein received the position Professor taught physics at the University of Praslin hotel (Prague) in subsequent years, Einstein received the invitation from the technical college, which is his old school. Einstein agreed immediately because he wanted to prove to everyone the importance of him. In the meantime, universities and many other institutions invited him to teach, but he refused, and he was accepted into a special institution teaching Professor William geyser (Kaiser Wilhelm Institute) he responded this time occurred from conversations with God, geyser. The founder of this institution Einstein felt it was a bit of fun with friendly interest in scientific matters, such as the same, and again two years later. Einstein has been appointed as the Director of this institution. In 1914 World War 1 occurred. cause chaos everywhere, especially in Europe, but even so in 1915. Einstein also made research about science and published one book out called general relativity (the Theory of General Relativity), which is a theory that many were not understood in this theory but with Einstein's cool chill people. In 2005, he received the Description of the theory in a variety of styles, so it's easier to understand that there are 2 train one convoy convoy parked on another convoy, one running to the Park. Passengers on the train at the Park may be felt running rail is therefore needed direction, speed related. In 1921 Einstein proposed a work out another piece is the theory of radiation (Photoelectric Effect Theory), and from this work he received the Nobel Prize in physics, and awards from many institutions, including in 1925 received a medal from the Royal Society of London, phale, 1926 received gold medal of courage.Library science research student positions expire in 1931 of Christchurch College, Oxford College Exchange program, 1933. He has been invited by the President of the United States position, country, institution, the Graduate School of the University of the State of New Jersey, Tan phrin (Institute for Advance Study at Princeton, New Jersey) in addition to his theory to be able to overthrow the theory of John. Dalton (John Dalton) is a British chemical and physics as "substances shall not be taken from the world because the atom is the smallest portion of matter, which cannot be excluded anymore." but Einstein has said the matter would have to be "green" In addition, the energy is not lost because the energy generated by the missing matter and atoms are not the smallest components of matter. Therefore, it can be split out again. In 1939, the year World War 2 has come up to Einstein have been suffering the most because of the way Germany as war criminals, and Hitler as a leader Hitler prejudiced against Jews and accusing Jews if persecution of Germans in the career, but luckily it is still Einstein because it previously. In 1933 Germany emigrated from whereas Hitler because, in that position. The President of Germany and began to expel the Jews from Germany since 2003. R. 1932 Einstein saw that the situation was not so well, he reached out, but there are also Jews over 2000000 people still in Germany and was killed during World War II more than 1000000 people. World War 2 is more than 6 years of protracted war, divided into 2 sides: allies such as the United Nations. America and Russia and France Germany Japan Italy and Aksa: Later, during the mid-1945 Germany and Italy have just left Japan war surrender only one country that did not surrender. Allies decided to leave the atomic bombs to force Japan to surrender war. Atomic bomb experiments were created during this time of war, which is Einstein's originator, and shop floor control. The world's first atomic bomb was tested, leaving the city of Hiroshima. On August 6, 1945 to the injured people, but Japan has 150000 taikwa has not yet announced the surrender, so the allies decided to bomb another 1 ball at the city of Nagasaki (Nagasaki) on August 9, 1945 to militants has forced more than 100000 people as well. This makes the ball 2 bomb Japan surrender war scene and World War 2, but just this. Einstein died by disease heart attack when June 18, 1955. After Einstein died, there has been the creation of a monument in the Einstein Physics Institute, half of Berlin, called the Chamber of Commerce of Einstein to commemorate his abilities.
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