Green Lantern is the story of Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) pilot chosen by the enterprise group Green Lantern aliens นอกโลกให้เป็น first man eligible for power from the ring.As Parallax which Hal right encouragement from friends pilot and his girlfriend Carol Ferris (Blake Lively) to support and do. Hal can use the power of the ring, fully in order to deal with the enemy Parallax and show that he is Green Lantern.
Hal Jordan took life? Pilot testing machine, high 6 feet 2 "??? 210 heavy pound? Eyes, brown?I am Brown Hal spent childhood in the airfield. Edward away from coast city out about twenty miles. The greatest loss in life, he is losing his father in an accident and the machine. Fly down.And he was never afraid of anything. To join the air force at the age of eighteen years. But it doesn't go well, he came to work at the Ferris AircraftAbin Sur Green Lantern in sector 2814 accidents fell on earth!His death made the ring to find
successor. The successor who can overcome fear. The ring is met Hal Hal, elected from the ring as a green lantern, he trained as a GL has been dubbed as?The best GL, focus on it, and his intentions are full (Will original power ring green) until the fall. Coast city by Mongul
"by the power of his ring. Can create everything according to his intention
.The weakness of the ring is yellow, but after the experience of fighting Hal. He can remove this weakness. The ring also has fueled every twenty-four hours
.Hundreds of millions of years ago, guardian of the universe Guardians set himself up and mobilize the space police throughout the universe on behalf of the organization, Green Lantern Corps who was selected as a Green Lantern.Sector (star world in Sector 2814)
.People who are Green Lantern will wear the ring emerald green power, can let the beam shape any but the wear is imagination, the power of the ring. The wearer can fly, create force fields, communicate with Green Lantern together.Book of Oa book knowledge will never end!
those who served Green Lantern new to can not control the light to deal with yellow objects, active, or control the fear well?? (because of the strength Green Lantern during cannot deal with yellow objects you
.And like other Lantern Green Lantern still must contain every new. Plenty of energy, which after packing energy, can be used for more 24 hours by the time of the earth
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