Today, we will find the sources of the water is dirty, rotten General. Water characteristics such as this cannot be implemented consumer. Both cause harmful effects and deal per fishing. Agricultural water use, especially in transport and attractions The public health. Secondly, it is important to natural ecosystems causes destruction or deterioration until not suitable for living organisms to live. Cause death of animals and plants, water sources, water to rot and lack of dissolved oxygen. Water source with toxic pesticides and medicines they vanquish plants accumulate a lot, including the water supply with oil slicks covered various industrial plants and release toxins into the water supply and heat. If the water contains toxins and bacteria is a bacteria germs cause diseases to humans and animal species. The water quality is deteriorating, if processing of wastes released to get clean water and toxic pathogen-free. Will cause wasteful resource consumption in water quality to be much higher due to the amount of water pollution is causing degradation depends on the natural ecosystems nanaprakan? Agriculture and fisheries source source source the community therefore should find spoilage prevention approach of water, so they don't have to waste time and budget to fix the water back into the water of good quality.It can be seen that in the countries of Thailand, there are now many businesses don't have to worry about it, it makes the subsequent consequences, so if we established or construction business. We must take into consideration the environment. Eco-system.In addition, it will affect all life that live in the water and then. Also causing epidemics followed water, such as cholera, diarrhoea, twist, it can be seen that the subsequent conditions, it's just awesome? If we are not interested, we will simply not pay attention to things to come, and probably was nothing. But if we can protect and care not to occur, it would result in the ecosystem remains with us, and our physical health is strong, including our business, it will be effective and successful, go with.
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