General information about the country of JapanTotal area: about 378,000 square kilometers, including the islands of over 6800 island.Population: 127 Million people.Capital city: Tokyo with a population of 12 million people.National language: Japan languageReligion: Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism and ShintoClimate: the weather rather servants held northern nanao Warmer weather in the spring, the East and the West. Air-bearing way sub-tropical tatai The middle of the rainy season from June to mid-July. Cool in autumn, North-Eastern and central region.Economy: Japan is the largest economy of the world's 2. After the United States Tourist attractions The Imperial Palace Asakusa (Asakusa) Shinjuku (Shin-juku) Ginza (Ginza) Shibuya (Shibuya) Harajuku (Harajuku) Rainbow Bridge Tokyo Disneyland Mt. Fuji.
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