This ancient monument is the heart and gift, sing because it is located in the centre of the city by the gate of the 4 direction. Heading straight into the castle, the appearance of the building originallyDecorated with patterns and cement. The current crackers out pass away until the end. Balance to see only structure construction with laterite. The entrance to the castle is in the East. By pass up the tabernacle, andAnd then through the defensive wall. And the courtyard, which stretches to the castle next to the yard to this, there are steep stairs up the castle through the arch, or called. "Gopura" arch are all 4 direction.Called the "acoustic" away from the gate into a courtyard for rituals
.Before you go on Internet The dwelling place of God. The side of the ground this ritual building small university "called" tribute or kathoey สำหรับเก็บ Buddhist scripture the public in prang president.In a region called "shine" (in Mahayana Buddhism. The Bodhisattva mean those enlightenment are Buddha you) also at the arches. Or "gopura" back. Also enshrined the idols of นางปรัชญาปารมิตา.In Buddhism, Mahayana doctrine).
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