The second day that we first is Learning center of science, or simply that the dice, in which learning center is divided into 3 building is building the dice. The dinosaurs and the building technology
.In the building the dice are knowledgeable about things in daily life, such as electricity, the lightning, etc. in the building of dinosaurs. Is about the evolution of life on earth. The last building is the building and technology.Evolve of technology in various periods, and in addition to visit various building and brothers learning center also organized the show we see about scientific liquid nitrogen. And also took to the stars.Then we went to two US is Dream World without tickets to ride. The teachers have cost to all of us. By the time the ride. 5 hours with lunch with
.From the dream world. We went. ฟิวเจอร์ปาร์ค Rangsit. We go to eat dinner and shopping convenience. When time runs out the teachers set. We lodging, which the rest of us is in place, it is
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