I believe that many people, especially the working people have been exposed to stress or well-known, more or less. This is regarded as normally happens in an era where many things in society has changed rapidly as today. But we've noticed yourself or those around you or not. Sometimes ordinary stress may be unusual to them. If symptoms caused by stress, some have been expressed, beyond a point, then you may become people with psychiatric problems unconsciously column Wellness Talk This would therefore like to take your readers to know about the disease. psychiatric The doctor Naphat Wong holds a diamond beaching Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry Hospital Please describe the nature of this disease, we have to know and understand it more 'psychiatric disorder' was a 'mental disorder' which is the cause and which was the same as physical ailments. Psychiatric disease can be divided into several groups according to the type and intensity of expression. People with this disease have symptoms that highlights two things that we have observed is' behavioral change 'and' a concept that has changed. 'Antipsychotics, which are more difficult to diagnose other diseases, there are methods that can monitor the body because of a psychiatric disorder, the symptoms of the disease to the concept. If the patient does not speak out or say anything and his peers did not notice. It is difficult to diagnose or indicate that the person is having mental problems of mental disease were divided into three groups, ie groups concerned. The depression and mood swings Anxiety and psychosis group (Anxiety Disorder) "The anxiety is typical of people in general, which is then able to recover or mitigate it when it's time to go through another one. But it means that when one was sick to work or 'Function (Function)', for example, can not study or work as usual. The second is the social and waste, such as his friend did not. Society is not Second, it is that will determine whether or not the person with mental illness , anxiety disorders range from mild to extreme levels. It may be difficult to notice with the story, it was as if a normal person would be stopped and will only concern important matters only. If the patient is concerned about the many issues and concerns do not matter. And I can not stop worrying them. The cause symptoms such as insomnia, sleep and dizziness. Then began a more miserable. Is a very common 'Anxiety and Panic Disorder' "Also. Compulsive symptoms did it address the concerns of this group. Patients showing symptoms than normal, as fears that the door is not shut off the gas and then to check up a couple of flights. It has the same symptoms for more than two weeks is not improved. Unlike normal people who are adaptable within two weeks, " Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic will lead to physical symptoms like heart disease weakens the shake houses swirl fainting, chest suffocation feeling. pack attached to the neck, sweating hands flexed feels like to die. And when patients do not know the cause of stress that would go to a doctor and treat the symptoms. The last doctor would have detected no abnormalities in the body. And most doctors do not tell patients to see a psychiatrist. This may be because a previous or afraid to tell patients dissatisfied "'ve had patients tell me that a doctor recommended that I see a psychiatrist because inspectors did not find anything. The patient was angry with the doctor Decided to go to the doctor several hospitals. And the answer to the doctor to check is not anything alike. He refused to see a psychiatrist Finally, healed within three months. Other studies have also found a lot. The symptoms are caused by stress, but in a manner to keep the press out of anger that can not be expressed. It is the same energy that the brain sends out abnormal substance. Then show off the body "of depression and mood swings (Major D epressive Disorder) in the group. Depression and mood swings Patients with depressive symptoms clearly feel sick to cry, but it is a sad reason. Which may have these symptoms almost daily. One day several hours Life is like a very sad This is a period of two weeks before the danger "that major depression. Due to the stimulus Have come to regret it, but not lost, as fans left. Very sad to have to eat or not eat crushed. Insomnia or sleeping too much. And think about it over and over until I fainted. If a normal person Will be better within two weeks and begin to adapt. But even that sick. It will have to be adaptable and have an impact on jobs and the unemployed, losing friends, losing social and patients may turn to alcohol or drugs to substitute. Possibly even delirium. Physical harm himself or others, and even suicide. If depression is not treated, it can be dangerous. This symptom is called 'single-pole (Unipolar)' is a serious matter, it is depression. The disease in this group of diseases. Bipolar disorder is often heard frequently is Bipolar (Bipolar), patients with symptoms of bipolar or two-sided. The terminal is depressed But since that mechanism needs to extricate himself from depression. The body was cast (Swing) becomes higher (High) than normal, which is the term used call signs are called 'Euphoria' or 'Mania' has the meaning is. Good mood is overly simple conclusion is depressed at first, and then disappeared. But next time, if there is no treatment. Or adjust itself would become. Mania " The symptoms can also occur on the same day. Which we refer to as 'a mixed (M ix Type)' early morning symptoms such as depression. When evening had 'High Mania' is not just a good one. But it's more than a good mood. Everything is looking good. Patients in this group will have a very good dressing habits. The mood is very good The transition from normal Not previously encountered personality And the purchase of crushed I do not spend
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