Where, to change the transport routes are constantly, such as water, flood, protest, etc. thus, make the case company to have. Transportation planning every new work came 3.2 place use transportation through and used for transforming means of transport, transportation company a case study of the continuous form by many companies can choose the cargo through the place. Many of the items by each แห่งมี power limit in the use of vehicles used.As if to transport from the big boat to the pier coast, rivers, there will be transport by เรือใหญ่ fried always factory first and then give the pontoon boat, take goods to the pier. ผั่ง River, only.The coast the river, not to the pontoon boat in, so choose. Road transport is using a vehicle in the. The cargo to already in the authority limit each place.The following 3.2.1 coastal port (Seaport), as shown in the figure, the number of 3 ethical 4 by big boat (Vessel) to compare tha port coast. The total cost of the port crane is rental (in case of boat type no crane) labor cost.All units per ton.
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