The psychologist development (Developmentalist) many people define "Teenagers" (Adolescence) that age is a period of time 12 years to 20 years. By holding the end of teenagers. At that point, start working to earn a living [].(Sanction) of parents completely
.But there is another definition of "Teenagers" that is the development between reproductive age (which is a man Puberty) began reproductive ability. (Sexual reproduction) until the adult status (Adulthood) in some cultures.Located only 2 - 3 months
.A boy or a girl with the sexually (Sexually mature) had been expected to marry and act as an adult, however. The modern society development. Considered the teenager was still not ready, emotional (Emotionally mature).(1) right (2) responsible, and (3) take on the role of adult
.The news media like the furor (Sensational) about teenagers who gets angry easily in the emotions that spin turbulent FRET (Anguish) feels lonely. Hate my parents. And without self evaluation (Self-esteem) was good enough, but the image (Image).Reflect reality?Is a question worth so much
actually, in the United States, the crime rate among adolescents. Have fallen consistently since 1993.2536 for assessment of self-esteem. The study included retrospective big time (Meta-analysis) 2 times of teenagers, almost 150 000 people found that assessed self-esteem did not decrease. No matter young or adolescent girls
.Popular books ever believe. Women have lower self-esteem assessment man since adolescence, but the American Teenager above showed that the difference is only slightly.The minority adolescents only as "problematic" extremely angry and unhappy
.In such research, it is found that the Most teenagers get support from family, with the aim of life (Sense of purpose) have confidence in ourselves, met a good friend. And have the skills to deal with it.The feeling against (Rebellion) of adolescents is a matter of attitude generations (Generation) and normal (Norm) of culture
.The word "generation gap" (Generation gap) may be caused by the feeling of adolescents (Authority) against adult than's development in adolescence. The research also found that Most teenagers feel closer to their parents.(Allies) than an enemy (Adversaries).
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