พระพุทธรูปปางนาคปรกซึ่งลักษณะมีนาค7หัวชูคออยู่เหนือเศียรองค์พระแล้วขมว การแปล - พระพุทธรูปปางนาคปรกซึ่งลักษณะมีนาค7หัวชูคออยู่เหนือเศียรองค์พระแล้วขมว อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


พระพุทธรูปปางนาคปรกซึ่งลักษณะมีนาค7หัวชูคออยู่เหนือเศียรองค์พระแล้วขมวดหางเป็นวงขดเข้าหากันทำเป็นแท่นประทับขององค์พระมีขนาดต่างๆกันใหญ่บ้างเล็กบ้างและวงขดกว้างกันมี3ชั้นบ้าง5ชั้นบ้าง7ชั้นบ้างแล้วแต่ความนิยมของผู้สร้างในสมัยนั้นๆหลวงพ่อนาคนี้เป็นพระเก่าแก่องค์หนึ่งซึ่งผู้สร้างได้จารึกอักษรไว้ตรงแท่นพระเป็นอักษรตัวธรรม(ไทยน้อย)โบราณแต่ผู้รักอักษรธรรมโบราณมีสองท่านได้อ่านไว้แล้วบอกกันต่อๆกันมา(ขณะนี้ท่านทั้งสองได้ถึงแก่กรรมไปแล้ว)มีความว่าสร้างเมื่อ ปี จ.ศ.170 แห่งพุทธกาลปีจอเดือน3ขึ้น13ค่ำยามกลองแลงหัวครูคำวงษาเป็นผู้สร้างท่านผู้สร้างคงเป็นพระที่อภิญญาณแน่นอน เมื่อ พ.ศ.2530 พระราชปรีชาญาณมุนีเจ้าคณะจังหวัดหนองคาย

(วัดโพธิ์ชัย)ได้อ่านไว้ว่าสร้าง จ.ศ.170 (พ.ศ.1353) เดือน 5 ขึ้น 13 ค่ำยามกลองแลง (ฤกษ์เททองเวลา17.00น.ถึง17.30น.) ปีจอ หัวครูคำวงษา เป็นผู้สร้างรูปลักษณะของหลวงพ่อนาคองค์นี้สวยงามน่าเลื่อมใสมากโดยเฉพาะพระพักตร์(ใบหน้า)ดูเหมือนว่าองค์ท่านยิ้มนิดๆอารมณ์ดีอยู่ตลอดเวลาและในองค์ของหลวงพ่อนาคนั้นมีผู้เล่าต่อๆกันมาว่าตรงหัวใจขององค์ท่านเป็นทองคำแท้อยู่ภายในและมีอัฐิธาตุ(กระดูก)ของพระอรหันต์บรรจุอยู่ภายในนั้นด้วยจึงทำให้องค์ท่านบางครั้งมีรัศมีเปล่งออกมามีผู้พบเห็นเล่ากันต่อๆมาและมีความศักดิ์สิทธิ์มากเหลือที่เราปุถุชนคนธรรมดาจะคิดให้รู้หมดความสงสัยได้ถ้าพูดตามภาษาธรรมะเรียกว่าเป็นอจินไตยแปลว่าใครๆไม่ควรคิดถ้าใครขืนคิดผู้นั้นจะถึงความเป็นบ้าเพราะคิดไม่ออกนั่นเลยเพราะมิใช่วิสัยของปุถุชนคนธรรมดาอย่างเราๆท่านๆจะคิดได้แต่เป็นนิสัยของผู้ที่มีอภิญญาญาณอันแก่กล้าแล้วเท่านั้นจะรู้ได้โดยไม่ ต้องสงสัย

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Buddha Nagprock which features a Naga seven heads proud above the head, the Lord then coiling the tail into the coils together to make the podium presence of the Lord with various sizes, some little ones and the coil width, there are 3 layers 5 layers. 7 as a thin layer.Top of the Creator in the days that my future is the old one which the author has inscriptions on the altar as letters justified (Thailand less) traditional but with literally ancient civilizations have two you can read it. so tell me (the port.Both have passed away) to have been built on.The Sunศ.170 แห่งพุทธกาลปีจอเดือน3ขึ้น13ค่ำยามกลองแลงหัวครูคำวงษาเป็นผู้สร้างท่านผู้สร้างคงเป็นพระที่อภิญญาณแน่นอน เมื่อ พ.ศ.2530 พระราชปรีชาญาณมุนีเจ้าคณะจังหวัดหนองคาย

(วัด Chai) have read that H.s. build 170 (BE1353) in five to 13 words at Laing drums. (Auspicious gold pour at 17.00 am to 17.30 pmS) head teacher for the study.Was the appearance pastor Naga body is beautiful, admirable by the presence (face) looks like he is smiling a little good mood all the time and in the pastor's future is the story so well that the heart of God. you are.Cool gold within the bone relics (bones) of the saint, contained within it a substantial body of persons, sometimes with radial voiced a witness told later, and is very sacred to us ordinary people. I think it will be.มดความสงสัยได้ถ้าพูดตามภาษาธรรมะเรียกว่าเป็นอจินไตยแปลว่าใครๆไม่ควรคิดถ้าใครขืนคิดผู้นั้นจะถึงความเป็นบ้าเพราะคิดไม่ออกนั่นเลยเพราะมิใช่วิสัยของปุถุชนคนธรรมดาอย่างเราๆท่านๆจะ I have a habit of those.However there is a perception Apinya excel only knows without.

Well, Wat Pho Chai Si wonders.วัดแห่งนี้มีบ่อน้ำบ่อหนึ่งมีน้ำใสสะอาดดีใช้ดื่มก็ได้มีความลึกประมาณ8-9เมตรมีรู้น้ำไหลออกอยู่ตลอดเวลาแต่ก็แปลกใจอยู่ว่าน้ำในบ่อแห่งนี้ถ้าในฤดูหนาวน้ำในบ่อจะ warmer than normal water enough water in the summer.Which will execute a cold winter evening than a tank malfunction are under the floor of the pond in the cave and large hole size to crawl into a hole of the well know that long to break away from the well is another creek. eastward around KB.Meters is enough to observe that when a familiar (rabbit flour woven bamboo with Penny the fuel mix paint to dry and then use the water of the East) or histamine'm made to draw water into the pond owner does not take. to the wells subsequently rummaging I found there.Times casting fishing the creek then to encounter any'm the man he assumed known well be extended to the creek that until dough first, then to the creek in the well of the things seen another me. Listen to that one.The water is safe, particularly as a woman, if anyone out skirt (sarong) to put the well's mouth water, then in the morning the day water will dry out once the house had no running water, drinking water next. Who told you that she told me.Charlotte is several times and has now been consecrated as the original, but a solemn resolve to normal by Villagers drummer together with flowers, incense, candles, hand tighten something different leaves flock to the water at the boat. such a different creek water.Bowl to pour water in the morning, this day will be full of water up to the normal level, but before
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
A Buddha image decorated style which has 7 Naga head Shu's neck above the head and tail bands as Lord knot curl together make a podium but there are different sizes of major Lord relatively broad band, and there are plenty of other leading 5 7 3 storey floor which they do, but.Popular authors in this particular Club's is the oldest one of the elements that the author has written a letter directly to our letters altar (Thai) but our characters are two ancient lovers have already told reading together so well (now tha.Nathang two to die) that is generated when a. Year-on-year,RS 170 year 3 month screen era of 13th guards drum teacher head bands, a host of courses as the creator of the gods, he is the creator of a certain aphinyan. When 2530 (1987) His wise

officers Memorial Board of Nong Khai province (Wat Pho Chai) created it. Mon Fri 170 (BC.1353) months 5 13th guards drum lang (auspicious time 17.00 am to 17.30 and gold am.Dog) Head teacher a band courses As a creator of images characteristic of Luang PHO this element which is very honorable and beautiful, especially the face (face) seems in a good mood, he smiles a composition at all times and in one of the Club's next match, who told me that the hearts of people, Peter.Real notongkham within the bones and relics (bones) of the Arhat contained within your organization, making it sometimes a radical emitted has seen subsequent told a very sacred and the rest that we ordinary people to imagine, I know.Ants have doubts if spoken language translation called achintai Dharma is that anyone not resist if anyone should think that people thought of as crazy because there were stymied because not of ordinary ordinary people, than it will charge rao is the habit of the people one at a time.There is an alarm and courage as well as higher education or knowledge, then only will know. Suspected

Na Po Temple pond with wonders
This temple is a pond, pond water crystal clear with good drink, had a depth of about 8-9 meters, with water laiok you know all the time, but it is a surprise that the water in the pond is located if the water in the pond in the winter warmer than regular pond water in summer is ponds just pm.The cold winter evening, until the wrong General pond poktikwa under the floor of the pond, there are also caves and large holes for people to crawl into a hole have known each other long pond passes from Lam leaved from this pond to the East about kilo.M. will suffice to observe that at the time (with paeng, bamboo pellets used at the tomb of the mixed liquor to dry and then use the water of the northeast), or KRA KRA scoop tank paeng falls into a pond the owner sought to fathom the wood into the pond, go encounter no rummage. Subsequently, November.Once the fish fry nathai Lam it to choekra, so it assumes that people paeng hole pond to match the long jump to certain people, Lam paeng, coming on the Lam in the pond also has another wonderful thing that I have to listen to that?To draw water and bath is located in the heart of a woman, especially if someone removes a sarong (a sarong-like skirt) to placed at the mouth of this pond, and a new day dawn enough water in this pond will dry out as soon as the villagers had no water and drinking water to those talks, I told him that in the cheese.This villa is many times and now it is still there, but it was originally the sacred ceremony of the Grand, regular water by villagers drummer joined and copious incense, candles, hand tighten each blank a parade to cut to remove the water from the water lap Lam per person.Khan brought down this spring water is pouring out water day would dawn full of normal, but up to the level before the
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Buddha Pang Nag Nag 7 beaver which is the head, holding up his neck, over his head, and then knot tail curled up together in a circle to make the altar of God upon a different sized circles and some small some large coil width, there are 3 floors, 5 floor, but the little 7 story?Most Popular of the creator in the days of Nag beads. This is the old one, which has created the letters inscribed on the altar of the Dhamma is a character (Thai) ancient letters, but those who love the teachings of the Buddha are two ancient you have read it, and tell them, subsequent (now Thaboth died, and then) that is created when youlast year.the lifetime of the Buddha of Prof. year 3 months display up to 13 dinner at the Drum and the head teacher, the word งษา is the creator who created it would have been a king, of course when the อภิญญา at the Royal Prof. sage line parish Nong Khai province

(Wat Pho Chai), have read, create, Prof. (B.E.1353.) 5 months, 13 drums. The dinner (holidays gold pour 5:00 pm to 17.30 PM.) last year, the head teacher's words งษาThis is a picture of one's father; this beautiful, faith, particularly the face (face), it seems that a little good-humored smile, holistic approach you at any time and in the division of Nag, Luang Por Koon has been anecdotal, the heart of the Perizzite dwelled then Pose;over cocktails, genuine gold is within their bones and there are elements (the bone) of the greatest packaging is located within the division, so it makes you sometimes there is a RADIUS uttered came out with those who have met him, and subsequent to the rest of us unenlightened more sacred ordinary people will be thinking about it, I know.I wonder if I have a witch, according to the language that is called Dhamma อจิน, means that anyone should not think that the man who was to be the breakdown of the crazy idea because I thought it was because I was not the vision of bamboo is not an ordinary man, Julian thought, but the habit of it.It อภิญญา perception of Christ, and then only to know.No doubt

spring Wat Pho Chai Sri has wonders
This is a measure of a pond a pond water clear and clean with good drink. A depth approximately 8 - 9 meters in water flowing out at all times, but he was surprised that the water is in the winter months if this is a pond water in the pit will be heated more than general spring summer, water in the pit.will be cool to cold winter, Spring failure than conventional Wells under the floor of this cave, and there will be a large hole to crawl into, and to know that it is a hole in the pond, through to the long Creek is one away from the pond to the East approximately kWmeters will be enough notice that when the time guru (แป๋ง the bamboo using apt to mix oil paint application to be exposed to dry, and then use his water in the Northeast), or a bucket of water in แป๋ง agreed to use of wood in the pit owner request for opinion poll down to delve into, well, it is not found, there is aAbove all, the fried fish, a stream, and found a man, it shall be presumed that แป๋ง holes must be long, Spring Creek, of course, to a man, and so on. แป๋ง creek in the spring this is a wonderful thing that I have to listen to one another, and that no oneThis is to draw water, especially if it's a girl who put in a glancing manner (his sarong) to put it in his mouth, and then this spring day in the morning as soon as this new water in the pit will be completely dry as soon as the villagers were there was no water for drinking water, to listen to the story tell me that the cheeseThis is a Whitworth thread several times, and today it is back into the sacred ceremony, but it has to be normal water by the villagers as well as the beating of a drum, a candle, and then there is an empty hand tighten each of the procession to cut off the water to the stream, and drew water out of them.Tighten the spring and pour it into this new day in the morning when water was full up to normal levels, but before
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