In the case of acts directly affects the public, such as banks, finance companies, insurance companies, securities companies and companies from loan operations requires a onyat (Licenses) from the relevant government departments before proceeding with registration, consider using a duration 5-6 weeks.3. pay the registration fee.Registration fee depends on the registered capital of the company, such as the registered capital of 25, 000 us dollars fee included Brunei related documents about 750 – 850 Brunei dollar.4. be a registered agency considers documents and issued a registration certificate and passport.An important consideration issued registration certificate (CertificateofIncorporation) takes 4-8 สปัดาห์ หลงัจากผ้ปูระ filing components supplemented.Businesses must request a unique business toprakop onyu (MiscellaneousLicenseorRampaian) If you want to make the business entries in the table below. You can buy a form at the Office of the County (District office)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..