The new year has a history which vary according to age and fitness. Since in the initial period when the Babylonian calendar started working on use, based on the different phases of the moon, mainly in the count at the end 12.1 years and to achieve balance between count year by year calendar with seasonal. The increase in 1 month month, as 13 month every year 4
.Later, Egyptian, Greek, and the Semitic, brought to modify, Babylonian calendar Several times to meet the season even more until the reign of King Julius Caesar, took the idea of an Egyptian nameImprove the year with 365 days every year to fill 4 months with the 28 days more 1 days as 29 days is February. Called leap day.Professor 2125 days Equinox in March back occurs on 11 March, instead of a 21 March. So the สันตะปา throwing Gregory 13 therefore improve broken day off 10 days of the calendar year. And the day after the date of 4 October 2005.2125 instead of a 5 October, then changed to a 15 October instead (only in 2125), this new calendar is called. Calendar - Gregor calling, then improve 1 promulgated on January. Is the beginning of the year onwards
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