When strangers come and ask of you from splitting do?, while anybody abroad declined, but the strange man replies to the reactions from people begging on the street, you must stick to. The trial which revealed the social experiment to try to make people who live together in society with the request to divide the food among the people in the Metropolitan New York ate to test whether these people are socially the kindness is much. Experimental results it appears that after the entry of horses to get eaten by saying that being too hungry. The first 3, which is the common people was to ask. They reject a return right away No, Not only are all of a sudden I come where you divide the rice looks aside until the 4 which is now begging naked feet are sitting beside the road, begging. If you are going to get rice from someone who has nothing to eat and probably funny fearsome. The team had made it to remove the pizza. Saying that eating remains to get the rest! This report stray young breast. thank you for meals and lucky to box out of view over the next 20 minutes, they were long. When they are in front of the horse walked nearby and then sit down in a hurry right anchovies pakkho pizza break tattoo pieces because he is very hungry too ... these words are almost the same words that were previously mentioned three men reports thanks to the pakkho with the mommaem the body of the young man begging. I opened the box, took a handful of strangers to eat pizza with heart. There is no cause of hesitation or jealous of even a little bit. See, people who secretly watched, we arrived with a real stopper.
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