History, หลวงพ่อโสธร Princess hwawan (measured หลวงพ่อโสธร)
.The miracle of the Holy หลวงพ่อโสธร charisma is a miracle that everyone will deny nothing and will compete to equal that difficult. There will be some some places.As the Buddha said that Wonders are the Mafia ตัย shouldn't invent a reason. Sacred miracle will inspire a only with anhydrides. And the faith, confidence.Is the mascot of the Chachoengsao province. Well known and worship of the people. หลวงพ่อโสธร is Buddha cast bronze lap width of about 1 cubits. Prang ขัดสมาธิเพชร.Lap width 3 cubits 5 inch meat imitating the eyes when shrubbery or call a common word?The Lao? Which the species is named wat Hong
.Without this temple, there are vast pillars on a swan is a sign attached to the top pole. This temple is located on the bang pakong River in the West. But the traditional location measure. This is water erosion collapse is a river already.But the gain that is the oldest temple built for a long time. The cause of this temple was called the โสทร or sothon, said that the next big Swan are stuck อยู่บนยอด pole. Fall broken only pole.Measure pole long pole was the wind หักโค่น down 2 pieces. The villagers took hold the vision the flagpole broke that part a temple name?Measure pole change?At the end of the long time up until the days of 3 Buddha. The floating water from the north, and in the 3 kings. It was invited to summon up put this temple 1 Prince is หลวงพ่อโสธร.หลวงพ่อโสธร Princess hwawan.
when father to worship. It is you who comment. This temple is also called measure uncertainty. Started to change the name of a new measure that measure โสทร?That means Temple 3 his brothers of the same mother the same. When the switch is the name of the temple โสทร. The village and the canal that this name change depending on the temple on temple. Formerly this measure the characters write that? โสทร?Do not write that? Sothon? As today. But because the Buddha is หลวงพ่อโสธร acquired. Powerful and divine appearance and shape you beautiful. Therefore wrote the name of the temple and that? Wat sothon? Which signify?Sacred Buddha image? Until now
? Sothon?This is the teacher experts commented that a sacred name (so) is a character of preventing illness and sorrow (Smith) is a consonant power has Ba power ().
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