With the candle and the candle of the city of Ubon Ratchathani. Has existed for hundreds of years. It has evolved many multiple dimensions as said. From simple as ordinary candle candle with sing and show such a lot.On the cheap and developed a group of villagers group of merchants and officials, expensive, from carry on the truck in a cart is a truck in the car. From the small car is the car. From big cars are cars from the car is the car long shortFrom operation alone of the province Ubon Ratchathani. It is the operation together with tourism From which no tourists have Thai and foreign tourists. The evolution of multiple dimensions of this.Beautiful, greatness and victory!With the cooperation of all sectors, both from the past to the present, both from the public sector, private sector and the house worth. Today, candles and candle of the city of Ubon Ratchathani. It brings honor, economic prosperity.And culture. Hence the city of Ubon Ratchathani. It is known to people in general both local and abroad. This is the pride of the Ubon Ratchathani. Greatly.
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