In 1903, Einstein was married Millais Eve Marie old school friend at the University of Zurich. That same year, he Was writing about science for the magazine edition of Germany and in 1905 an article about Einstein's got a lot of attention and praise. This article is the theory of relativity (Theory of Relativity), which elaborated on. Relationship between energy and mass by writing to the following formula E = mc2 by
E (Energy) = energy,
m (mass) = mass of the object,
c = speed of light, the theory of relativity, would lead to discovery. Atomic energy Because this theory explains only a small mass of gypsum. Can turn into a massive energy used in power plants, large and comfortable. In the first phase of Einstein's published work this out, most people do not understand much. When Einstein was explained by how easy it was more understanding. The results of this work for him. The highest honors received his PhD in 1909, he was invited to become a professor at the University of Zurich (Zurich University), which Einstein's immediate feedback. But he wanted to show everyone I could see his talent. The university had rejected him once in 1911 Ein Stein was appointed professor of physics at the University of Prague (Prague) in later years Ein Stein. Invited by the University This is his old school Ein Stein agreed immediately because he wanted to prove to everyone to see the importance of them in the meantime there are several universities and institutions invited him to teach. But he refused And he accepted Professor teaching at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute's (Kaiser Wilhelm Institute), he accepted it. Arising out of the conversation Kaiser with God Founder Institute Ein Stein felt natured fun. The interest in science as well, and 2 years later, Einstein was appointed as Director of the Institute, in 1914, was a World War 1, making chaos everywhere. Especially in Europe But even then, in 1915, Einstein was also doing research about science. And published a book coming out called books. General relativity (General Theory of Relativity), a theory that many of them do not understand this theory. But with the Ein Stein was calm, he was described on the theory of methods to make it more easily understood that the 2 train train train parked with that. Another procession of men ran to the passengers on the train parked may feel that the train was running so fast direction is relevant, in 1921, Einstein was offered to work out. Another theory is that radiation (Photoelectric Effect Theory), and from this work earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics. And awards from several institutions including 1925, received the Medal of neck Ap Lei. Of the Royal Society of London in 1926, received the Gold Medal 1931 Royal Astronomical tenured researchers Christchurch College, University of Oxford, 1933 Ford F him. invited for the position of President of the United States. Institute Graduate School of the University of Princeton. The state of New Jersey (Institute for Advance Study at Princeton, New Jersey) The theory he could overthrow the theory of John Dalton (John Dalton) was an English physicist and chemist that. "Substances shall in no wise pass from the world because of the atom is the smallest part of matter. Which can not be separated again, "but I have to say that Einstein. Matter would have died. The only power that is not lost. Because the energy caused by substances that are missing. And not of the atom Smallest of matter Therefore, it can be separated again in 1939, was a World War 2 made Ein Stein has been suffering a lot. As the war because Germany and Hitler's leadership. Hitler hated the Jews And alleged that the persecution of German Jews in the occupation, but Einstein was also lucky because earlier in 1933, had emigrated from Germany. Because at that time Hitler had tenure. President of Germany And the expulsion of Jews from Germany since 1932, Einstein was a good fight that went way out, but there are more than 2,000,000 Jews who remained in Germany. And were killed during World War 2, with 1,000,000 people, the 2nd World War was a war that lasted for more than 6 years and is divided into two parties: the Allies, including the United States, England, France and Russia and the Axis, including Germany, Italy and Japan. The mid-year 1945, Germany and Italy had surrendered only Japan but the only country that has not resigned. Allies decided to abandon atomic bomb. To force a Japanese surrender in the war. Bomb The experiment was created during this war. The Einstein was a pioneer. And Control The world's first atomic bomb was dropped on the city conducted on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, which resulted in more than 150,000 casualties, but the Japanese did not surrender. Therefore, the Allies decided to bomb the 1 ball in Nagasaki (Nagasaki) on 9 August 1945, resulting in the deaths of more than 100,000 people as well, making this the second bomb Japan surrendered. And the end of World War 2, but just Ein Stein died of a heart attack on June 18, 1955, after Einstein's death, then the creation of a monument to Einstein. Stein half inside the Institute of Physics. Berlin called the Tower of Ein Stein. In recognition of his talent.
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