Dear Diana
Hope, this email finds you well. This email was sent to you because I do not have Chu Chai 's contact details.?
This is a follow up to PETCO 's Management' s Site Visit to, your Akibam Songkhla Tank Storage facility on the 16 th October. Where there were several HSE Non Compliances raised:
1. There were no Bund walls for Tanks 3 & 4 which are alternate to. Tanks 6 7,,8 & 9 currently used for PETCO 's product - Bund to be installed immediately.
2. Tanks 6 7 &, 8 were stained with brown. Substances making it difficult to detect any rust or leakages - to clean the tanks surfaces and repaint it, immediately.
3. A fire line connecting to tanks over hanging the Tanks 6 7 &, 8 Bund wall were observed to be, badly rustedSuspected leaking - to be replaced and painted immediately.
4. The Jetty with the Oil pipeline to the discharging manifold. Is not securely fenced on, the beach a high potential hazard for any fisherman to intrude to the discharging - platform. To fence the beach area surrounding the jetty.
5.The Jetty 's Oil Spill Boom alone is insufficient as it can only contain spilt oil at sea - to acquire a full set of oil. Spill containment and recovery equipment suitable for a small jetty.
6. Have your Fire Fighting Systems and Appliances. Been tested?
7. Have you conducted an Oil Spill Excercise? Or has any Emergency Scenario been tested?
8. Do you have. The following SOPs:
a.HSE Management System
B. Tanks Storage Operation and Maintenance
C. Oil Spill Response Plan
D. Emergency Response. Plan
e. Business Continuity Plan
Kindly redirect this email to your Chuchai your HSE Manager and inform your Management. That PETCO Management view these observations seriously and that these Non Compliances shall be closed before my audit to. Your facility early next year.
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