2. herbal conditioner from bergamot Bergamot: Ma (all plants krud, spices and herbs. Science Ciirushystrix SC name. The name of the common Porcupine, KiffirLime, Leech Lime Orange. Name of the Rutaceae family. The English name Leech Lime, Kaffir Lime, Porcupine Mauritius Papeda, Orange. The other name, Prefecture of mountain (North), scratch, Yokohama, Orange, Orange to the ghosts retreat (South), Yakhiat kro (the Khmer Rouge) used the results of the effect their team. Citric Acid, a substance found in the uncle of bergamot and essential citronellal Uncle it found in the surface of the leaves and flowers and found. 1. property. 1.1. used as a drug or mixture of drugs are more in solving symptoms bloating.Allows use of the drug infuse creative appetite Kaffir lime to cleanse the blood and a fantastic use of BA ngalohit women's wind-driven use of Kaffir lime leaves as in filling the heartburn cure effects of bergamot disembowel out na มหาหิงคุ์ wind-driven, rather than take a pill inserted to fix weak abdominal pain in children. 1.2. industrial and fragrances can adidas ngatang. Citric Acid help 1.3. Remover SOAP (spotted) that remains easy-to-make me a little more of it from the skin, Kaffir lime help hair is shiny. 1.4. the use of adding flavor to food use of smell and is used as an ingredient in various spices. 2. the official botanical characteristics. 2.1. the Kaffir lime is woody stems of small broken twigs branches planted at one time, many live long years la and barbed Cape branch. 2.2. the sub element is the only one with a stick, a large spread out evenly on the pad, the two make the episode a little to the side of the green with a thick fragrance with very creative it. 2.3. single white flowers usually 3-5 petal flower clusters are falling as a result of a single simple shape results in video, but some species are species.Some species have a large surface of the rough, and some varieties are the result of the CAP results in some of the smaller varieties of smooth skin. 3. an appropriate environment. Kaffir lime plantations should not flood the land with more space in which to wreak the usual great uncle to Uncle to bergamot grow sufficiently if scrap, will make the plant more wilt and grow slowly, since the effect is not actually the size and quality of the result is not good. 3.1. the planting and harvest. Seed reproduction by branch or limb system now soil contamination the likes of bergamot with ventilation ruan Uncle well liked sunny until the medium term Sun grown. 5 × 5 meters, digging holes to plantSize: 50 × 50 × 50 cm secondary hole with butt COC or fertilizer, compost, planting saplings in the holes down early farming. after the soil, watering sufficiently tight, creative, brave, light source should be the same time in the first stage, planted during the rainy season regularly top trim the branches to the new branch, trees, fertilizer formula N:P: 8-24-24 K by a vote of approximately 1 rengdok Uncle before the fertilizer a month to keep the entire amount, often cut when a full where the flare wipe harvested when fully grown. 4. chemical composition The bergamot and a very refined with an uncle when NA is, it's more volatile in 0.08 percent, according to the level and 4 more it evaporates from the skin, leave of Kaffir lime often contains beta (β-pinene) membranes of nin, Lai nin (limonene), and Sha module business (sabinene) as the main nin best Uncle it evaporates from the hotel consists of a call SIM (citronellal), solo (isopuligol), and Li host pool Lai na luo (linalool) as a major part in the Kaffir lime is more acid and kwitamin acid, organic silicon c click other component types. 5. the sensitivity through Pharmacology Kaffir lime leaves are stalked through the mosquito oil is 3 hours (Tawatsinet al., 2001), d-limonene, which is the main chemical in bergamot with stop it Uncle skin carcinogen in the rat pedal machine (Wattenbergand, 1991), Kaffir lime leaves, shallots are pra section cough cure vomiting blood is slow in solving and smell. 3. spray herbal from chewing gum. Western: FaLhang (vegetable, fruit, and herbs, as well as) the name science Psidiumguajava. The name of the common Guava Name of the MYRTACEAE family. The name of the other mother (Surat Thani), tree (Trang, Pattani), Mano Mano (Chiang Mai, Northern) kuai kuai (North), maka.(Middle son) Ma, China (Tak), solid (above) ... Mu Ma BU Te save ya (Malay Narathiwat) ya ring (lawa Chiang Mai) Ya Ya NE (South) (South) and SIDA (Nakhon phanom, Khlong toey) The result leaves and roots.There is more substance found it burner, which consists of Caryophyllene, cineol. It also contains Tannin, sesquiterpenoids and triterpenoid compounds The result is 6% fixed oil Volatile oil 0.365% 8-15% tannin beta-sitosterol, quercetin, Vitamin C (330 mg%), Arabinose. 1. property. 1.1. the cure diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea to walk (not twisted or cholera) is a drug used to put on a fresh wound bleeding 2-3 leaves-hold breath cure abscess khiao as ya wash a wound suction Nong and neutralize the venom cure wounds, chronic pain and swelling of the gums cure nail snack fix because solving the lost mosquito. 1.2. the result of weak resolve constipation diarrhea abdominal easily hold breath and blood vitamin c to solve a very twisted anal mucus cure tooth bleeding disease according to how (lakpit lakpoet) BA BA fi ngaphio Wi-Fi ngangueak teeth and softer. 1.3. the result of paging is finally has a lot of core used to eat as a purgative. 1. 1.4. the root of solving the waste is more yellow cows blood flow weak check blister cure. 2. the official botanical characteristics. Guava is a woody 3-10 m tall trees; it's the beginning of a single limb blade smooth soft shell is a soft furry short amount of squares a single sort across the oval kaemok 3-8 cm wide, baked in a parallel 6-14 cm long, single flower or a bouquet of the breast in a nook the Lord white petals fall off easily with a lot of players were the result, gaysorn is the result of fresh raw green effect but when ripe are yellow. 3. vitamin c through Pharmacology Political science information to support that the ngayuen tannin substances chewing gum contains 8-10% a percentage and Pyrogallol and Catechol Uncle it light, burner in diamond son chewing gum contains Pectin and acid, tannin substances which quantity of these substances is reduced, if the entire guava, guava, ripe, because the light has the substance, rather than Western, and new activity is activated to reduce the irritation of intestines and reduces the loss of creative and therefore annulled the results of a young Caucasian and diarrhoea were also a weak activity and Vera Staphylococcus aureus and disinfection E. coli and Salmonella typhosa disinfection effect extracts and Shigellaantidysenterae and Fri.Kasa dry grinding out the gum as powdered treating diarrhea results conclude that guava can reduce diarrhea and stools were reducing the length of exposure to liquids and does not experience side effects from the drug Lord best diarrhoea Tana as a capsule, which is the same as the hospital comes as a powder, crushed guava farming, packed in capsules make eating easier and convenient to be portable.The European creative it burner, Eugenol, 8-10% of the total Tannin and other raw results, "tannin" vitamin c, calcium, and other substances replace Saul lay out new with is annulled.
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