Legendary pumpkin carving jack-o-Lantern (jack-o'-lantern). Legends about the pumpkin, then a folk lore of Irish may Chom Jack mentioned, which is a juggler drunken thieves. One day, he tricked the Devil's lure onto trees and burning cross posted at trees. Make the demon hordes have not. Then he made a deal with the devil "do not bring bad things to came to tempt him again," then he will release demons down from the trees. When Jack dies down. He refused to rise to Heaven because he is thinking in the way of evil. "At the same time, it refused to take down to hell. Because he has made a deal with the devil intended. So the devil, who is on a charcoal to him, so he used the Cushman navigation into the dark and cold, and Jack has taken this put in a turnip is drilled hollow Terminal app to keep Nihon. To make up brilliance longer. The Irish, so carve turnip lights in the Terminal side and put Nicklaus in as another symbol of Halloween to remember to "stop the evil" Trick or Treat to give merit to affect people and religious ceremonies to make merit, new year's day, but when you are celebrating Halloween in the United States. Americans found to find pumpkin head lettuce, so switching to pumpkin instead.
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