By the power of attorney during this contract. I company...... beautiful............... To... To............... Co.The incorporated law...................... beautiful... Office is located a number. ... the... The... Of...,...) The road I will remember... To... To... To... I will remember The district / county... On... On... On... On... On... The district / county......... "... The... The... The... I will remember The province... "... To... The...,.... by. ... the... The... To... The... The... The... Beautiful... A... I will remember. The attorney hereinafter referred to as............................... May appoint clearance........................... Beautiful beautiful. So called preachment range is a real attorney by the law of the company. However, to power the for and on behalf of the company in various parties as follows: the message that mandate period... The... The... The... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The......Perform any other sisters if necessary and proper sees fit. In order to perform for the firm. According to the power of attorney range is appropriately. Efficient, accurate, as the company and the authority. The attorney rights and full power in order to perform and / or operation, and all things. Whatever necessary and worthy to do to satisfy the purpose and objectives. As the company may or can do, the company asked the ratification certificate all that ผู้รับมอบ power range had done. According to the connotation of this power of attorney, the company asked the guarantee. To power the original effect fully in all respects. From the date signed as stated at the end of this book. However, until there is the withdrawal by notice from the company. Written as evidence, the company managed to head the thesis down yard at............ to... To... To... The..............? On the day of the... To... To... To... To...? The company................................. Co.
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