ตัวอย่าง การแปล - ตัวอย่าง อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


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การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
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การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
There is currently no treatment for removing EBV infections. Our clinic has been long interested in the use of vitamin. C (ascorbic acid ascorbate), to combat viral infections. Ascorbic acid is an essential nutrient that functions as a key. Water soluble antioxidant and is involved in synthesis of collagen carnitine and,, neurotransmitters [21 - 23]. It affects. Wound, metabolism healing energy, system, nervous function and immune cell health [24 - 27]. Oral supplementation with vitamin. C typically gives rise to plasma ascorbate concentrations less than 0.2 mM while high, dose intravenous infusion of the. Vitamin can raise plasma concentrations higher than 14 mM [28 - 30]. These "pharmacologic plasma ascorbate concentrations." Achieved by intravenous infusion have been linked with benefits to endothelial function cellular immune function antioxidative,,, ,, capacity pain relief and treatment of cancer and other illnesses [31 - 37].The motivation for using intravenous infusions of vitamin C (IVC) to treat viral illnesses comes in part from observations,,, That virally infected patients exhibit vitamin C deficiency [38 - 40]. This in turn suggests that clinical management of viral. Infections may benefit from supplementation. Improved recovery of subjects with viral infection upon supplementation with. Pharmacologic doses of vitamin C has been observed clinically [40 - 43]. In a multicenter cohort study sixty-seven symptomatic,, Herpes-Zoster patients were given intravenous vitamin C in addition to standard treatment for 43 shingles []. Pain assessments. Were made and dermatologic symptoms such as hemorrhagic lesions were followed during twelve weeks of treatment. Pain, scores. Number of dermatomes and number of efflorescences all showed statistically significant decreases during the treatment.EBV infections can be detected by immunoglobulin assays. Most subjects show IgM antibodies to EBV viral capsid antigen. (VCA) at the onset of infection which decline, after two to six months. IgG antibodies to the EBV VCA may be detected a. Few weeks or months after the onset of infection and can, persist for life []. In, 9 addition IgG antibodies to the EBV early. Diffuse antigen (EA) can also be detected during acute infections [,]. Antibodies 18 19 to the Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen. (EBNA) indicate the presence of a past infection. The profile of antibodies that used to distinguish between the various. Stages of EBV infection is summarized in www.cdc.gov. High, lymphocytes counts particularly atypical high numbers of activated. CD8 T-lymphocytes and the, presence of Downey cells characterized by enlarged cytoplasm and condensed nuclei are also present. In primary EBV 20 infection [].
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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