Good health requires self health care, time to yourself, just 1 hour per day in exercise 7 hours sleeping and eating quality.Nature is not static, healthy people like unto self start. Even though I already know that is not healthy. Health cannot be bought with money, although you'll get rich as a billionaire if you don't take care of yourself better. The only symptom relief only.Many people think that exercise a waste of time People try to To burden the people responsible for each day that there is much. If you don't take care of yourself, and unfortunately people suffer paralysis or heart disease. The burden on you so much pharalao, exercise, time does not exist, then who will take care of it, and if unfortunate to help itself. Who will come as people take care of you? You just waste time each day for about 1 hour or you may take the time to watch tv and exercise go together, which also allows for better health.Many people believe that skinny people only and thus healthy weight loss with dieting is to big to make the weight standards, but weight loss might be a difficult and dieting for a long time, there may be harmful to health. Then you read the new view.Good health does not mean that weight is in the benchmark, but it means that we take care of the correct engaya from. Workout eating Relax and disease prevention to reduce or stop anything that impairs health. Our body freckles floppy kraprao ready to continue everyday life. The content to be discussed will be the approach to the health of the person.The guidelines do not require tens of thousands of years old, but you need to have a strong health. Not sick often. Disease prevention can be avoided. Longevity depends To have good health care, must contain the following:Eat a healthy diet. Maintaining an appropriate weight.Workout.Exercise for a healthy heartHealth check
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