The role of management (Managerial roles)When thue. nganathi enterprise management are often geared to the various functions in four management processes (planning, organizing, leading and controlling potentially organization) as above, each management attention and time to serve these different management. It also depends on how the operation of different bodies (such as the FDA's operating style that seek profit or non-profit organization) Different levels of managers (level intermediate high level source) and the size of a different organization. For example, executives at the Executive level at different times, you may want to perform the activity of each of the different duties, and concerning the activities of the enterprise management, Mintzberg said the role of can be divided into 3 groups, also called the management role of Mintzberg (Mintzberg managerial roles), including the role of interpersonal (interpersonal roles) the role of information (informational roles) and the role of the decision (decisional roles), each of the subordinate role role as follows:
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