the SATA Cross Baby
Hello, Santa Claus
everyone's talking about you on Christmas day, I know คุณนะ. Have you ever been in my dream, children and more people
?You are an adult is good. I see you for so many years, you are a strong and ready to be Mr. hell to everyone.
you tired to continue gifts children. I guess you're not tired 5555. And you're happy?!I want to get a present from Santa Claus one? I want to call the most expensive in the world, and the best 55555
I'm glad if Santa will give this gift to me, and I will heal that present the best
.I'll wait for you, I'll take the socks hanging in front of the room. You know? 555 come.
thank you for the atmosphere of happiness, fun music because. And the time of giving and receiving gifts
.Thank you for your lovely version of the lonely night. Have them with another one.
I hope you're well this year. And don't forget to visit to Thailand often miss Santa
.I want to see you, really, for once in my life, I love you Santa Claus.
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