Evacuated from coastal earthquake shook Chile 8.3R 1 dead 15 injured tsunami warning and
News »International News» 8.3R earthquake shook Chile's first tsunami warning and injured 15
Thursday, 17 September 2558 | yui yui.
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8.3 Richter earthquake, Chile's capital 169 km away from the center. tsunami warning across the country -. Have died and one injured another 15 people from the first wave crashing into the shore. Vibration perception as far as the Argentine capital,
international news agencies reported that a severe earthquake. Measuring vibration up to 8.3 on the Richter, off the coast of Chile last Wednesday evening (19:00 pm. Local time) or matches early on in the country. Along with the warning surveillance and giant tsunami waves
and the coast of the country. The coast of Hawaii, Peru and the United States with the expectation that a tsunami will occur at 23:00 pm. Local time, however, no reports of damage. Or wounded, but somehow
this. The epicenter Located in Valparaiso. Northwest of the capital Santiago. The capital of Chile, about 169 km primary Bureau US Geological (USGS) has alerted size earthquake at 7.9 before upgrading to 8.3, before reporting that the aftershocks followed by another two times with 6.3 and 6.4 Richter is. The Chilean government declared a national emergency and evacuation for Chile had 8.2 Richter earthquake in April 2014 that killed six people injured many. And people had to be evacuated over 900,000 people as the last. The first wave caused by an earthquake Chile already has washed ashore. According to authorities, emergency services. But also not very serious because the Chilean government announced to the public at the same time. One witness said the quake was felt as far away as Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina on the east coast of South America also. Mayor Lee Ya stretcher (Illapel), a town near the epicenter. Said the radio station of the city that killed one individual from being a collapsing wall collapsed on top. And injured about 15 people.
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