Tax notice VAT consumption also rose | Daily News
, "Mr. Krisda Chinavicharana director of the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO), said that the levy of VAT (value-added tax) during the nine months of fiscal year 58 back. Come again grew compared to last year. Offset by a lower tax value-added tax collected in the country grew by more than 7%, reflecting the country's consumption of the public. And private investment is continuing. But if you look at the overview of the entire tax system. You can store 534 058 million baht. Lower than the set target 42,269 million baht or 7.3% due to the storage of imports, lower than 43,096 million baht or 17%, because it affected mainly from oil prices fell in the past. The overall storage revenues during the nine months of the fiscal year, the government collected 58 Net income 1.63 trillion baht lower than the target of 65,582 million baht or 3.9% as a result of corporate income tax. Storage, lower than Baht 60,501 million, VAT tax collection was below target 42,269 million baht, petroleum income tax. Storage, lower than Baht 32,669 million, and excise taxes on cars. Storage of 17,781 million baht lower than the target, "the government revenue collection during the past more than the set target. As it is still affected by the economic downturn in recent years. Affecting corporate taxation. The payment of taxes, net of tax, from the base year of operation, 57 (PND 50) below the target. And oil prices fell as much. '"
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