Leaning tower-year saga Located in the city of Samara last year Italy 7 cylinder 8 country floors made of marble, height 181 feet began to build when construction is due to expire in 1174, but to be stopped when construction is about 4-5 layers possible because the ground below the buildings began to fall down from the building's Foundation is not stable enough. However, subsequently there have been further construction finished in 1350, which already has changed some of the upper structure from the original plan to balance with the tilt of the tower. The total duration of all the 176 years of construction, but the Hall still located to 14 feet from the vertical to the present this scene was not closed for tourists ascend above, because the tower is located just. Which those engineers are finding ways to stop lying and conservation, with slanted, monument to watch for very long. Leaning tower of Pisa for the marble pillars carved with patterns designed by famous painter craft era have carved beautiful designs. Leaning tower of Pisa as a place where Galileo up to perform scientific experiments about the gravity of the Earth.
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