In the Heian period, mentioned that there was a girl with an elegant figure in the land. The young woman is the wife of famous Samurai. But I must unfortunately her husband suspected her husband angrily BBC used the sword kinda easy. Cutting her mouth until the tear to the ear. To hope is to destroy her beauty with Peck that if she looks like this certainly lack beauty.When taiklai is kuchisake spirit, can lead to revenge and a long scary behavior. That is, she's always standing on the street in the evening mist day until evening, and are wearing off, mouth. If someone walked past her into praising with ask, "am I beautiful?", if you reply to that it's "pretty". Kuchisake will simply remove the fabric from the mouth, and then ask again. "and this?" the victim saw real kuchisake will attempt to run away with the memory of panic, however, inevitable. Because kuchisake to pursue a job playing the victim by cutting the mouth will be torn like she is.If it is believed that the ancient kuchisake chasing by, throw sweets famous will attract the attention of kuchisake somewhere else. There is also a continuous story about her answers, twice that if replied: "not pretty." Ghost mouth torn suddenly are chasing and play, but if the answer is "Okay, it's pretty nice here." Kuchisake are satisfied and not think of hurting a victim but to let go.Kuchisake are harmful to humans or not, it depends on the situation, but she is a ghost that has high speed and use a little magic by the time favorite received themselves pretty. Hate people who lie and the man who was afraid her face.
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