Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Resume has the same meaning is a story of life, or Curriculum Vitae. If a superficial Some may think that the two things are the same and can be used interchangeably to submit a job, but few people know that CV and Resume There are many that are not the same
, the difference is noticeable. obvious The resolution of the data is in CV writing, we have to put in-depth information about the history and functions. Of ourselves, and that may include writings, research and volunteer activities, honors or awards (if any), hence CV so always have at least two pages to a document often used for application. Funding from the Government or a job related to teaching or academic division Resume is like an outline summary of the CV We put information in the same way we put on a CV, but not necessarily the details in depth, and it may not. need the extra work or other activities, so Resume should not exceed 1-2 pages.
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