Thus, in the year 452 BC It has sent the three men to Greece. To study the laws of Solon called "Solon's Code of Laws which is very famous at that time for a model in the preparation of Roman law. Later, the Delegation has returned to Rome. The Board has appointed one of ten people. Consisting of the Patricians to prepare law. The inscription on the bronze table number 10
in the year 451 BC. And has been endorsed by the Senate and the House Comitia Centuriata at a later stage
in the year 450 BC. Has appointed another committee of one of three people selected from the Plebeians to act conducted additional statutory two tables together with the preparation already 10 tables, so a total of 12 tables, and known widely. behalf of the Twelve Tables (The Twelve Tables or Lex Xll Tabularum)
is unfortunately the law Twelve Tables were destroyed in 390 BC. Due to the Romans was the Golden (Gauls) aggression and Rome itself was burned by the invaders. Make Twelve Tables were burned destroyed.
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