"Discover ourselves has a talent for writing, too, is what we really like, and be our best. Ever since I started writing fiction, it felt very happy.
.How to write the novel sold well, or to attract readers. The tips of the is based on oneself mainly. First of all, the author have to enjoy it. The writer sell well in her teenage readers stamp analyze myself.Expressions used quite out the gnawing, compare the reader see clear images. And had a joke to insert all the time. Especially focus on the love scene tinkle assuming pert. And the plot is tossed and turned.It is the focus that may contribute to many readers. People still follow up constantly. It is important to try to push yourself to write out a 3-4. In order to have contact with the reader with all the time!
."Taste of Adolescent Readers hard to say. Because each style has different. But notice that booth is clear, time to go out as a waiting in line to buy a number of readers. It is indicated in one level.Some may be read because like the self. Some of us were friends encourage try to read and I read it and liked, became a popular trend of children and teenagers in this era there. "
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