Phu Thap boek Located in the District Government, phetchabun, Wang at a height of approximately 1,768 metres above sea level, which is the highest point of the province phetchabun terrain, as mentioned, is the beauty of the sea, mountains, natural forests. Fertile. Akasaka sopri squeaky clean Cool and comfortable throughout the year. In the early morning fog and clouds cut the amount of Phu green. With RAI, cabbage grown into by his shoulders. Phu Thap boek is a place where the most important one because this is the central point of the blue-water receptacle for the September 9, 1999, when the monastery at 15.59 time ban Thap boek to include water, diamonds, nomklao, in his Holy Buddhist ceremonial magic. Maha mongkol celebrate his 80th birthday on December 5, 6 round 2542 is a place that has the biggest thermometer in the countries of Thailand, and also as a path. Links to attractions and historical importance is the Phu Hin Rong KLA National Park.
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