United for truth in measure, my name is Mr. bump co acceptance of mechanical engineering to come present iron used everyday in every way. Releases are important steps in the production of steel. I'll bring the presentation follows.I will divide into 4 large topic is to withdraw, and uncle. Melting and casting, ingredients, processing,As follows: Tapir I will explain or presented to RA.Removing the dressing, and my uncle is a variable income, size and properties appropriate to separate the iron from the mote using magnetic separation. Each must make a cube before entering into smelting furnace. Withdraw, my uncle is the variable, iron ore, purity, by eliminating impurities from the iron ore.Melt and the mixture is heated until the iron is that the sanction will come, or at least the desired hardness of steel Perrin. At least 1600 c upwards. The element will separate the metal from water. Which we call the alumina extractedThe cast iron is melted into the liquid, then forming by pouring down in the order to freeze, according to the desired shape.Processing is the processing of steel that has been melted to get the desired shape and size. With processing hot and cold processing as required.All I brought this proposal makes everyone more layouts. About the production of steel. The part I was there just this presentation. Mimi who have questions to ask Americans. If not, I will finish the proposal only this tight and feels a little hurriedly quotes thinking doing good is enough.
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