Background and significance
.For more than a century aaaaaaa business train in Thailand was born with ในพระบาทสมเด็จพระ King Rama V 5 reign.In addition to benefit the people and economy of the country. To enhance the maintenance of the territory. In order to provide convenience to the government and supervise over the county in far away.(Airport Rail Link.(2558))
aaaaaaa by interest in the business in the train began in the reign of King Mongkut Duli in 1998.2398 of envoys from Victoria. The queen of England brought tribute and offer letter. Along with the revised treaty in exchange for the government.A model train, which consists of a miniature from real steam locomotive and train rails can แล่นบน Trailer complete with steam force melody. With the big car used in the British Isles, and it appears that the heart of the king of Rama is interested.Aaaaaaa later in the year.2429 which is the reign of King Rama v. The government has approved the concession to the company Danish. To build the first railroad in Thailand between Bangkok - Samut Prakan, but the company also ขาดทุนทรัพย์.King Chulalongkorn, he graciously pleased. Lend funds to associate with part. And her shovel soil plant. On July 16 B.Professor 2434 with open train at Samut Prakan station on 11 April 2436 using steam locomotive towing. But later the train. This railroad collapse out of business, the 1 January 2503
aaaaaaa in October 2009.Good 3 3 King Rama company has graciously pleased to set up a new Department, the Ministry of public works ังกัด train in the heh! Prince Krom Khun naris วัดติ family is the prime minister, and Mr. K. Beth gae (K.Bethge) is the German train of King Rama. Please, have open bidding construction of railways, the Bangkok - Nakhon Ratchasima. Year, and 2434 in 2004.2439 construction success down some enough to open the car trips, King Rama God's head. Served to the ceremony open walking train. During the Ayutthaya Bangkok Station - distance 71 km.On 26 March 2435 train has taken on 26 March is the establishment of train set, but since then, the construction phase 2 from Ayutthaya through ชุมทางบ้านภาชี kaeng Khoi station The distance 53 km.From the station to station and kaeng Khoi Nakhon Ratchasima, here was completed on December 21 2443 to handy construction. King Rama V please graciously, separate Railways Department into 2 Department is the Royal state railway Northern LineAaaaaaa by construction of northern from ชุมทางบ้านภาชี to Chiang Mai. Distances. 6 6 1 km were completed on 1 January 2006.2468 and railroad construction to the south of the country. Which started from Thonburi station (Bangkok NOI) to the province. The distinctly, and has built up a total of 3 harbor. Is that kantang, Songkhla and hillAnd created a temporary factory up at Songkhla and kantang To assemble the locomotive and wheel. The conveyor from abroad by the ship building was created from the southern city down to the south, and from the Songkhla kantang
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