I am a regular customer of your store. I am writing to inform you about the faulty shoes that I have purchased in your site store. On 20 of January, I ordered the shoes in your site store. I bought the shoes Nike cost 3,299 baht and I used PayPal to pay off this item.
On 24 of January, I received a product but it was wrong product. I was order the shoes Nike Free 5.0 V4 purple color but I received the shoes Nike Free 5.0 V4 black color. Why your store don't checked the product before you sent. I was surprised, you are big store but you have errors on your delivery. So, I send the shoes and a slip transfer back to your store. One of your staff told me that will send it to my address within 5 days but today I have not yet received any products.
In this regard, could I please ask you to look into these matters and improved about your staff and services. However, I request compensation for postage and an inconvenience of your service amount 330 baht. Otherwise, I may have to look else brand quality than this.
i am a regular customer of your store. i am writing to inform you about the faulty shoes that i have purchased in your site store. on 20 of january, i ordered the shoes in your site store. i bought the shoes nike cost 3,299 baht and i used paypal to pay off this item.
on 24 of january, i received a product but it was wrong product. i was order the shoes nike free 5.0 v4 purple color but i received the shoes nike free 5.0 v4 black color. why your store don't checked the product before you sent. i was surprised, you are big store but you have errors on your delivery. so, i send the shoes and a slip transfer back to your store. one of your staff told me that will send it to my address within 5 days but today i have not yet received any products.
.in this regard, could i please ask you to look into these matters and improved about your staff and services. however, i request compensation for postage and an inconvenience of your service amount 330 baht. otherwise, i may have to look else brand quality than this.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

I am a regular customer of your store. I am writing to inform you about the faulty shoes that I have purchased in your site store. On 20 of January, I ordered the shoes in your site store. I bought the shoes Nike cost 3,299 baht and I used PayPal to pay off this item.
On 24 of January, I received a product but it was wrong product. I was order the shoes Nike Free 5.0 V4 purple color but I received the shoes Nike Free 5.0 V4 black color. Why your store don't checked the product before you sent. I was surprised, you are big store but you have errors on your delivery. So, I send the shoes and a slip transfer back to your store. One of your staff told me that will send it to my address within 5 days but today I have not yet received any products.
In this regard, could I please ask you to look into these matters and improved about your staff and services. However, I request compensation for postage and an inconvenience of your service amount 330 baht. Otherwise, I may have to look else brand quality than this.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

I am a regular customer of your store.I am writing to inform you about the faulty I shoes that have purchased in your store site. On 20 of January, I ordered the shoes in your store site. I Nike bought the shoes cost 3,299 baht and I PayPal used to pay off this item.
On 24 of January, I received a product but it was wrong product. I Nike Free was order the shoes 5.0 4 purple color but I V received the shoes Nike Free V 4 5.0 black color.Why Your store don 't checked before you sent the product. I was surprised, you are big store but you have errors on your delivery.So, I send the shoes and slip a Transfer back to your store. One told me of your staff that will send it to my address within 5 days but Today I have not yet received any products.
This In regard, please I could ask you to look into these matters and improved about your staff and services. However, I postage request compensation for inconvenience and an amount of your service 330 baht. Otherwise, I may have to look else brand quality than this.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..