Nep Yi do (English: Naypyidaw, or Nay Pyi Taw, sometimes spelled as Burmese:;, [nèpjìd ɔ̀], ne payi addressing). Means "five" Maharaj [6] [7] or "the King's address" [8] [9] is the capital and administrative centre of Myanmar. Far from the old capital Yangon, which is approximately 320 kilometres [10] Current nep Yi the third largest city of dopen country from Mandalay and grilled shrimp, and is one of the fastest growing cities in the world [11].Nep Yi dotang payi in the villages (Kyetpyay) in the West of the city of Yokohama (Pyinmana) payin in Mandalay. The movement believed that the reason why the capital is based on the prophecies of a fortune teller's generals Tan. Chuai including believes could be a revival of old traditions in the era of the monarchy ruled the country [12] Terrain is mountain. The city is located approximately 320 kilometres north of Yangon only four to eight lane road construction in progress. The buildings have been built up, but still there are no people live as they should, the Burmese [13]. The city began to build some things, such as apartment, where people have money to buy housing. Start with the people who were residents of several thousand. At present, although this is the school capital. Do nep Yi hospital [14], but it's still a military city, which is being compared to continue construction.The current city development road dodai nep Yi Highway 8 connecting to Yangon. There is a project to create one more railway station in nep Yi do next to the train station in Wakayama payin na built was a pagoda was created a cathedral 2549 Pai tasanti (Uppatasanti) simulated the Shwedagon Pagoda from the Yangon University, [15] and there are also plans to create a public park. Animal garden fountain The Park area of the city centre and the new shopping centre built by another 42 goals to attract tourists to visit the new capital. There are also plans for building a modern State. Residential section Private hospital Bank trade and industry Chamber of Commerce Council, Burma (UMFCCI) and the International Trade Centre project. As the project will be implemented over the next decade, so that is a symbol of the modernity of the new capital in the future.
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