Stroke God tradition.As the Brahmin tradition, science and practical Buddhist sanik succession since ancient times. This new tradition that occurs for the first time. In a country as India took a popular cult Brahmin image out to parade in Angels & occasions such as Angels & Angels & Shiva picture parade Vishnu image. Later, Buddhist beliefs took such adaptations already updated to comply with the Buddhist faith. For drag God The villagers are helping to drag out from the temple. If it's a drag, it will use the water Lord rowboats, which haulage in drag, rather than dragging the drag gods, God Bok Bok, popular in ancient times, people have to use the scroll wheel to drag, which it will drag through the village. From one temple to another one measuring current Used cars in drag, land Lord, instead. There are Buddha, and Tom to hang when the boat closer to the Lord and then the ship will use the method of "boiled with Saddam" to let the people keep the manure, which is boiled up cause the raging sports, there are also other activities such as boating Racing racing. The To play music, interactive contests, boat boats in various categories. Tradition is tradition, Buddha believed to drag a drag effect caused the happiness God would allow the merit of seasonal rains and the merit a result merit will help make successful. In addition, God is also the drag tradition, showing the relationship between the way of life of people with agriculture occupation represents a boon to do with charities, including a delightfully fun activities together in practice.Rituals.9 months, measured when the intended to stay true to that tradition will drag in the month of God 11 began preparations to use unshielded Phon "dominated the Phon" (strike up a fanfare in advance), and strike up a fanfare for the ceremony as well as the villagers take to compete with the other temple or Championships. To encase the entire complex in molasses and Phon, dig and stretched taut full leather. By some measure the months spent with black magic ceremonies consist of. Each measure would require 2 1 Phon, bass, treble 1 leaf leaves measure anywhere in the race to win well to catch the villagers rejoice therein page long years.When the Lord close to drag day Approx. 7 or 3 days all the WAT to do to drag God it starts piling Phon (hit the strike up a fanfare) to the locals, arousing enthusiasm for God and drag the ceremony may be a challenge to compete with the nearby temple. With the monks and novices and skilled mechanic ubasok. decoration of phanom Phra (butbok), and which require skillful mechanic do it together and decorated the phanom Phra (butbok), which must make for a skillful, if enshrined the Buddha full moon on the water are called "drag the Lamberton.้ำ ", which will use the boat really come if the land Lord drag decorative invention called" the land ", and will use artificial decorative wheel, car or boat. The water is used for towing boats or sampan boats. Truck capacity is about 3-5 wagon the past 2-3 boat tie beam parallel to each other. The current use of a single beam, just because the boat difficult.If it is a land of ancient shall make a boat, similar to most real boat but must try to use less water, are usually woven bamboo mats or decoration is krachut where the boat and the stern of the ship, head to the webcam. Decorate the land, often make the boat and the stern of the ship as a Naga the serpent might run 5 or 7 use the da.
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