ความคิดเห็นที่ 2
One evening, I was surfing the internet looking for an idea on how to write an English ghost story. I went into pantip.com, a social network website where many good story writers often visit. A person replied to me with a story of a drunk driving teenager who killed a pedestrain on a country road. Because it was the middle of the night in remote area, he was able to drive away without anyone's knowledge of the accident. I was statled because this story reminds of my very own experience when I was a teen. As I was all alone, I was certain that noone knows about my story. I read further and was shocked that the car model and colour in the story matches exactly with the car I was driving on that night. The story went on to describe the hardship of the victim's family as the father who was killed was the only income earner of the family.
I sent a personnel message to the story writer to ask about the source of the story. I received a reply that he was telling the story of himself and he is worrying about his family. .... to be continue