To da dear friendsHello, dear friends, She is also? Well, Yes, right?Now I'm at the Malaysia! I know she would like to know what it is? There is nothing interesting. If she comes, she would be very glad to see the people here. He is very kind to me. I don't know what I'd asked, they answered my shopping and then take me to hope for compensation. Malaysia Thailand much better ones here, but mercy to forgive. I'm very happy to be here. I wanted her to come live with me here! Here's a better friend than it is country of Thailand, and feel better, but she did not want to leave her I will! She is a close friend, I am the most friends all I know. A very long time, and we did not come across. But I would like to tell her that I still feel the same. I am glad to have her because she is the one that has discouraged no matter where I am in minutes promised to write a letter to go to her frequently.Love and miss you always. From the fuse
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