Parents need to understand that Children and youth Adults should aim to focus on the creative process rather than results. The people decided to paint and paint and sculpt, write, speak players think it is an important process of creative thinking. Creative thinking is Can be used in almost every aspect of our lives. From how to help your child stop crying until the methods scientists use to discover a cure for many diseases. Youth to adulthood, we are fascinated by the different sorts of answers to the question of adults. Or children who showed a sense of humor is always there. A child who is thinking creatively enough adults to help promote creativity , both parents and teachers should work together to help children think and solve problems creatively. By allowing children the freedom to make mistakes and accept the idea of children. Children can experiment freely without fear of anything wrong. Or fear that they will not succeed. In the realm of ethics and not disturb or harm others if we are to encourage children to solve problems creatively. Children will be encouraged to see the problem in several ways. Able to answer many of the answers. There are ways to solve problems in different ways children have the opportunity to choose children who can not be shown to be creative than children with a check or set things all the time , children must be encouraged to think creatively. If the environment is filled with what children are encouraged to use the 5 senses, kids will be able to solve problems more creatively. The environment is not new. There are a variety Stimulates creativity to children as well , the child must have enough time to play and imagination. The player assumes the role before making recommendations to convince the children to think more creatively. Children should have the freedom to think and acting independently. Without the guidance of adults But within the limits agreed upon in advance. Children should be seen and experienced on cultural practices in both the living and the children should be encouraged to respect the rights of others to do things. Children should be encouraged to solve problems together as a group. The ability to express their opinions freely. Without fear of abuse Fear of being persecuted or fear of a negative response to any such group which may have started from children to adults and children of 2 or 2-3 friendly people and increase the number of efforts have repeatedly provided support. and child support When children are shown the ability or aptitude, such as the ability to address several questions. Have a good memory Have the skills to start reading. Skilled in the arts Or the other Adults should encourage children to improve their skills. Sincere comments And this fact, it is an encouragement to children as well. By talking about what their children do on the environment. Encourage children to evaluate their own work. Enhance their skills in the child indirectly so it is important to make children feel good about their own abilities. And with pride in the work they do. Environment and activities for children, adults should not feel that answers only one answer for every problem. But adults should encourage children to see that there is a solution in several ways. And encourage children to use their creativity to solve it.
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