Russia is a country that is '' the most beautiful woman in the world "," and "St. Petersburg" is like a beauty queen, European ...Winter cold. Traveling to a range that is suitable for tourism may air this range will cool very beautiful views. The trees are full of fruit to him. The aroma to pervade throughout the range, known as the "white night" as a result of the light of the midnight sun.They travel to Russia. Be able to fly directly from Bangkok-Moscow. If the weather is not too intense. Visiting red square and the Kremlin Palace The Museum and the architecture of the capital in the European traditional style is beautiful and stunning. Enjoy many of the White bear, land property in civilization. ClimateThe diverse climate zones and especially the differences between each other to Russia with a long winter. Winter weather held, including most of the country. It was covered with snow as long as six months. in addition, the appropriate duration for business and Government, with the people of Russia is that since September and ends in mid-December and mid-January to end of June. Best time for visit of Thailand is from mid May to mid October. The time.Russia is a country of contrast between the East and West, 11 time zones by the time of the Moscow times is slower than the approximately 3 hours of April to October and is slower than our home 4 hours during the November to March. LanguageRussia is a country Russia used national languages. Most of the English-speaking public will rarely be for Russia that speak English well is. People who work in the hotel. Travel guide company, a private company of foreigners Merchants, merchant gift shop for tourists Best store Department foreign language must be used to guide the taxi and helped in Russia to purchase various goods or consolidation may use calculators in the bargain. MoneyRussia uses the currency (ruble: RUR) hole, with an exchange rate of approximately 1 RUR equivalent to 1.40 baht Thailand. Electrical system.Electricity in Russia who won 220 Like Thailand, but with the difference that all kinds of electrical appliance is Plug 2 air outlet and there is a round hole 2 hole, which is the size of the round hole and the width between the legs and the outlet plug appliances in Thailand, but some electrical appliances in Thailand. 2-pin flat pin plug is, therefore, must use the ADAPTOR plug into the wind there was 2 legs first.For example, plugs and converters used with plug power in Russia. Film and camera.Should be prepared to provide adequate, especially foreign films because the price is very high, especially those based on the attraction and should prepare a insert a camera with charcoal because the charcoal will deteriorate faster cold air. To use the phone.Russia is the country calling code + 7 if tourists want to call overseas. Press 8, wait for the signal, followed by 10 + country code + city code + the number you want to call out. TippingTipping in foreign countries is considered important, and the manners of tourists should be tipping for people, such as the driver/tour guide at local facilities, during the journey. Food to eat.The food is popular with the Russian people is their soup, cauliflower soup, traditional (Shchi) b true suite (Borsch) potato salad (Stilichnii) pork stew meat in cream (Azu) concentration (Beef Stroganoff), etc., or to taste the Caucasus as a restaurant or a restaurant within the hotel in Russia, attending such interesting Georgia mountain restaurant. Italian restaurant Union and muncipal USSU (Azerbaijan) featured a tasty spicy hot Oriental. His dishes include lamb and beef for national starch sturgeon of Russia, it is pancakes. Pancakes here are both the stigma and the dessert! If it is a dessert that is uniquely direct and have stuffed inside, which have a variety of tasting. The most expensive part of the country is the caviar or black eggs from a popular pancake face Fujian po p. A shopping list.Shopping souvenir from Russian by Yu the great Adidas rabat Street such as anchovies or baby doll doll matryoshka chaka, wait, but if you want the item, brand names of various brands to Europe that may department stores (the GUM). Places of interestThe Kremlin PalaceSt. Basil Cathedral, flattenedThe red squareSATO St Xavier CathedralMay department stores (the Gum).Museum of natural history.Radoe Wah year growing Summer Palace restaurantHer proceed and the Palace Museum, winterSigned Isaac CathedralChurch of the Kazan Cathedral drips blood.Monument of Lord Peter's Palace
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