Happy New Year (Festival) held between the 13-15 April every year. A tradition that is important and greatest of Chiang Mai. Break a 13's Songkran. มีขบวน of relative frequency, and the music The 14.And on April 15 tradition boot logging adults. And play there during the festival splatter
.ประเพณียี่เป็ง held during the day of every year around November, home decoration, household and other places with lamp types. The sky lantern with contest and festival broiler noppamas
.The tradition into inthakhin held in during May to June at Wat chedi Luang. Worship is the city pillar by the flowers, incense, candles put competition, flowers!Umbrella Festival, held in January. The handicraft center do umbrella, San kamphaeng District, show and sell local products. มีการแสดง cultural parade folk customs
.Festival of flowers and ornamental plants. Held in the first week of March every year. The park beach train blooms and national beauty blooms nation
.Wood carving home offering held on January at his village Africa has จำหน่ายและ wood carvings and crafts folk demonstration
.The tradition of ไม้ค้ำโพธิ์ held in April on 15 onwards, every year the city of chom thong train from the community, lawyers. Other groups than 40 parade along the city of chom thong District until.
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