Dried fruit market trends and crystallize inside the country continues to go well, but it will not change significantly, violent upward because consumers have the choice of more and more consumer products, dried fruits and crystallize can find to eat throughout the year. The target group in order to expand the domestic market, such as Modern Trade Group Seven-Eleven, Familymart, but Thailand still has a country imports dried fruits and crystallize from a foreign country? Which tends to increase continuously. The expansion rate of the imported goods, dried fruits and crystallize from abroad equivalent to 14.93 percent and 7.73 in 2543 (2000) and 2544 (2001) respectively. If you are developing and promoting entrepreneurship, produced dried fruits and crystallize, quality and meet the demand of domestic consumers, it will cause a reduction of imports from abroad.The export market for dried fruits of Thailand and crystallize so volatile because the rate of export expansion, dried fruits and crystallize in the year 2543-2544 (2001) and equal percent 27.90 and 10.71, respectively. increase and decrease, tentatively, but also have the highest export value each year. Therefore, in the future, it is anticipated that the export market of Thailand, so likely a good future for people interested in promoting regional industrial centre district 9 to make an investment in the dried fruit and salted to maintain exports and to expand into new markets in the future for the market trend.Countries in goods, dried fruits and crystallize that is likely is the Asian market. United States, the European Union and Australia, which exports goods, dried fruits and crystallize still have better future in domestic market. Therefore, the operators in the sector, promote district 9 who are interested in investing in this type of business, and therefore should be attention in manufacturing for export events.
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