As mentioned, the fried rice dishes are well known to all of you. Lunch is often eaten many of you may not like. Because it is quite a bit. It is true Let's see where it goes or how much fat is what a lot of components. And how much is
generally composed of one dish with rice, fried rice, pork, eggs, garlic, onions, tomatoes, onion, cilantro, oil-based sauce. There are also fresh vegetables include cucumbers, green onions may have been seasoned with lemon pepper sauce, which depending on the preference of the people
, when they see that the distribution component. Major sources of fat It comes from an oil-based sauce. Fried rice is used to make cooking oil over. Stir vegetables, meat Sources of fat from pork and egg with 1 egg is approximately 6 grams of fat, cholesterol, fat is also quite a lot more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol to receive instructions. Each day should not exceed 300 mg of fat from the pork, it is estimated that 5-6 grams of fried rice dish. Total fat 26.6 grams, about half the fat of beef, pork and eggs. And the other half came from. Oil-based sauce So if we do eat fried rice at home. Can control the amount of fat that was. By restricting the oil used to fry.
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