Chapter 1Introduction1.1 background and importance Increasing age, physiological changes and Anatomy, which is the loss of ability to work, which increasingly, such as defects of the system and various organs (Matsudo, Matsudo, Andrede Marim, & Braggion, 2003) or the notice from the muscular system (Cappola, Bandeen-Roche, Fried & Wand, Volpato et al., 2001; Hakkinen, 2001), which play an important role in maintaining the level of work and activities of the body, in the elderly (Cader, Silva Bacelar, Vale, Berlezi, Dantas, 2007; & Rosa, Souza & Schneider, 2006) there is a change in the perception of the body system, Visual system and to maintain the balance of the body. To demonstrate the causes of difficulties in sending and receiving information of nerve cells, which causes the data that is sent to a control center of the body (Dos Santos, Santos, Fernandes & Henriques, 2002). The elderly have slower adolescent behaviour, which affect social. Decision or only by learning which is considered important (Miles, 1942) and in elderly people with defects of memory and attention. I found that it is associated with abnormalities of the brain (Frontal Lobe) header (Craik, Morris & Morris, Loewen, 1990; Cummings & Benson, 1983).According to the history of the native tribes I found that it has been used to dance (Dance), a 1000-year treatment (Spingte & Droh, 1992), an American dance therapy Association has scheduled a dance (Dance Therapy [Movement]) for "psychological treatment (Psychotherapeutic) movement is the process enhances the emotional, social, and social per person (the American Dance Therapy Association, 2009).Dancing is an activity that requires two brain halves, integrates all the systems. The brain of an understanding is required in. Lyrics and dance postures used. Best half right brain have access to the emotion in the song (happy phachara sim grow, 2554).
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