Sequence 4: products that are not by definition or procedural cannot agree after cleaning and drying.After washing and drying procedures. Some will find fault with naked eye. This fault is indicated by a pointer during each inspection by quality control basket. Whenever there is a practice of editing will be required to comply with MFG-WI-05, MFG-WI-06. The basket contains a product that does not meet the requirements must be excluded under the supervision of the head of Department, dip. Washing and drying, which permits isolation of the fault again 2 times if it does not pass the "do not accept" the basket of products, but the (Rejected), if there is a quality in accordance with.The requirements, toTo check the leak with an electronic (Electronic Testing) standards, the product is a product that is "not acceptable" (Rejected), the head of the quality control Department shall prepare a report on the corrective action, and prevention. For the basket that is not verified, or if there is a product that is not accepted by all in excess of 5% will be required to make a report to edit and to save them and discarded after approval by the Assistant Managing Director shall keep that area do not accept (the Area for Rejects).
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